How did we get here?
Celebrity status, the most coveted title you can seemingly attain in America. Their millions of fans follow them and buy what they buy, and trust what they say, but why?
It is bizarre. However, they do not really hold the power, they are ruled by it. Shackled much tighter than any of us regular Americans are. They force themself to walk the tightrope for their masters in pursuit of their rewards. They may appear to wield power and influence, but that can be taken away from them with a click of a mouse. They are only puppets controlled by whoever controls the what?
The money…
It is the love of money that makes them so weak. It is the love of money that shackles their feet, it is the love of money that steals their freedom, flying all over the world, still chased by their demons.
The Bible says the love of money is the root to all evil. People always misquote that. It is THE LOVE of money. Money is not the sin; the sin is found in the things people will do because of their love of it. Paper that is worth less and less every day. Paper that is completely controlled by the Federal Reserve. For those that do not know, this is a private institution, not a part of the federal government. They named it that to fool America, and they did just that.
So, they created slaves with just some ink on a paper. And they put them to work, does that sound familiar? It has happened over and over throughout history, but most of us don’t know it. Money is a wonderful idea but it can be corrupted from the source and as it has countless times before, it will become nothing. The millions you hold suddenly are worth nothing, not because of your choices, but because some bureaucrats in a far off Capitol decided. They decided that you should suffer. They decided, and you will find, you worked for them, not the other way around.
So, this paper, it controls our lives. It is what drives us to get out of bed. For so many it is not because we want it, but because society has decided we need it. We must pay simply to exist. We look up to celebrities because they have the money and fame and influence, and they lead glamorous lives. We envy that because we are told to, or because we don’t see the real truth. They were given their influence to set up a front. To prop up a puppet and make it say what they want. They’ll preach about the next thing, so they can keep their bling. And the masses follow them proudly, but even they can’t explain it. Yet they follow them anyway and continue to buy. Is an odd thing to do if you can’t explain why?
Celebrities assist in pushing group think, which is one of the most dangerous things to haunt a civilization. It damaged them and twists morals and decency until a society no longer loves one another, instead they yell at, fight, and gun down one another. All in an attempt to gain a rung on the ladder. That is all this is, a ladder of pain, like rodents in a lab, set to run through the maze. We are given false hope and lied to all the time, but we continue to follow and memorize their lines. The celebrities are so thoughtful and wise, as they fly around the world telling us little lies.
So in turn the were used as a tool, to help control the people, to help set the mood. I don’t know why more don’t get it, why more don’t see, that the reason America is failing is not you and me. It’s not even the celebrities that run off of greed.
It is the love of the money that makes it easy to control the people. It is a good tool for trade and that is where it should end. With gold backing up, the money we spend. But they changed that long ago and in doing so they took all the control. Now you might feel secure because you have millions, but with a flip of a switch that money turns to just paper and the time you spent gathering it, becomes wasted free labor. What’s another word for forcing someone into free labor to survive? It’s what we all are no matter what color your eyes.
So don’t be so easy to control. Don’t hate because someone told you so. If you believe just because others do, you’ll follow whatever path they have for you.
Step out of line and throw up your hands. Others will follow, all across this great land. We just need people to understand. We can have our differences and we can have our beliefs. We demand we all get our right to free speech. If I don’t like yours I won’t try to silence, even if we disagree on the science.
So, in the end it comes down to this. If you’re religious, or not, we have to remember to love each other a lot. Because when we forget to bring our children up in that, we breed a generation who can hate and attack. So easily and with no remorse, and without any morals to enforce. Their conscience is small, their concern is nil. What has happened and can we fix it still?
God is setting His chessboard, we are all the pieces, He is coming for His nation, as He divinely increases, the patriot hearts he sets up for this mission, must ignore the wedges they use for division, and heal all our wounds that have plagued us to date, because by God we have a country to save.